Saturday, September 1, 2012

Project Frustration

Hello Everyone,

Well this week I am going to be short and to the point since I don't have a lot of time this morning.  Holiday weekend parties and my very own Birthday party.  Well, I am turning a year older this weekend, but I certainly don't feel like it.  Okay, sometimes I do, but that's part of life right?

I was reading a book about creativity and how to spark new ideas and I found a tip that would be helpful in everyday life.  That is if you don't already do this.  You know how you get working on a project and then something happens, wether you made a mistake, can't figure out how to solve a design problem or have a horrible knot that you just can't get out. Well, if you'll like me, you get super frustrated.

To calm the nerves, step away from your project whatever it might be and let it sit for a while, an hour or even overnight.  When you come back to it later, you will be refreshed, calm and hopefully able to see a solution to your problem.  I have actually done this, and it does help.  And then I wonder, why didn't I see the solution before?

But if you do run into a problem you just can't seem to solve, feel free to stop by Beadin' Mon if your in the area (Flint, MI that is).  I'm sure the staff would be willing to help you solve your problem.  And remember they also carry some finished pieces too. But, if you can't stop by the store, feel free to shop our online store at

Okay, I have to go, have a wonderful holiday weekend.  Be safe and until next time, happy beadin'

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