Saturday, August 25, 2012

Organizing My Beading Space

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying the last bit of summer.  Before we know it the school season will start.

Usually about this time, parents and kids are getting all their supplies together to start the new school year off right.  And all those supplies have to be organized in some way or another in order to locate whatever supply they need quickly.  This usually is done with folders, pencil cases and whatever containers they choose.

So, I got to thinking.  My beading area has taken over our dinning room table and I need to reclaim it.  I'm always looking for my tools or supplies for whatever project I happen to be working on --- It's time for me to organize my area.  It still needs a lot of work, but it's started.  And with organizing all my supplies and tools I now know what I need to complete a project.  And I can do it in a matter of minutes instead of having to search through all my baggies or my sea of small plastic containers of beads that I had.

So this is the start of organization (of bead stuff anyway).  I have been trying to organize my entire house over the last year or so.  It makes me realize how much I really have and I bet the tote manufacturers are loving me.  :)

The first photo is that of my containers.  I purchased two three drawer containers for tools and such and various smaller ones for some of my beads.  The bottom three drawer one holds all my tools such as pliers, ring mandrel, and bead mats. The top container holds all my wire, thread, findings  and miscellaneous stuff I haven't decided where to put yet.  At least it's pick up right?

The second photo is just showing you how I sorted my supplies and tools.  Some of my supplies and various tools were purchased at Beadin' Mon! in Flint Michigan.  If you are in the area stop by and say hello.  Maybe even check out the variety of beads available for your special creations.  If that isn't possible, feel free to browse our online store at

Until next week, have a great summer and Happy Beadin'

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